Friday, August 20, 2010

Giardia: the newest natural weight loss solution!

Finally, a breakthrough in natural weight loss! This natural biotic will cleanse your system in just 3 days, no special diet or exercise needed! To use, drink contaminated water once, then wait for intestinal flushing and loss of appetite to set in. Continue drinking water and rehydration salts to avoid severe dehydration. [Side effects will include severe stomach cramping, diarrhea, bloating, and terrible burps.]

So yes, unfortunately a few weeks back found me trying this latest PC diet trend… No really, giardia had me pretty much laid out on my bed for 4 days, unable to eat, and listening to the rushing sound of pipes (my intestines) draining every time I turned over in bed. There is of course another side to every coin; blessedly, my condition offered me a reprieve from not one, but two dinners of besh barmak. (Of course, I didn’t get off scotch free; I had to at least “osti”—taste—the sheep stomach.)

Fortunately, thanks to rehydration salts (and the Crystal Light Lemonade packets that made them palatable), I was doing better by the time I had to take the 9 hour ride to camp with my students. However, my intimacy with the outhouse grows every stronger…

1 comment:

  1. You have my deepest sympathy. Been there, done that. Got the long-term side effects of treatment to prove it. =(

    Make sure you get it thoroughly taken care of, and be aware that chances of re-infection will be pretty high.
